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IoT Demo

This demo showcases how HOOPS Communicator can be used within an IoT application. This demo operates through a combinations of different 3rd party resources such as Plotly for our graph visualization, Node-Red for streaming our IoT data, and AWS for our backend storage. HOOPS Communicator is extremely flexible when it comes to integrating with 3rd party applications and libraries and this demo is a great example of how external products can be used in combination with HOOPS Communicator to tailor your application to the specific needs and requests of your users.

On startup, this demo will select a device's data to display which can be seen in the graph at the bottom of the screen and also in the device properties and models windows available on the left side of the screen. You can use the table at the top left of the screen to select different devices, or you can click each device within the 3D scene to display its data.

Additionally, this demo features custom operator buttons. At the top is a button to switch between orbit and walking mode. The next button allows you to toggle callouts on and off, these callouts can be used to navigate devices as well. The third button takes you back to the home view, and the fourth button allows you to turn on a heatmap. This heat map adjusts based on the current temperature value of each device in the demo.

How it was implemented:

The data used in this demo is collected in real time through Node-Red and sent to an AWS Timestream database. Within the database we have added additional information such as nodeID and nodeName stored so that we can relate the incoming data to the elements present in our 3D scene. Once we have recieved the data, we then use the Plotly Javascript library to plot the data onto the graph seen in the demo. Plotly comes with many default interactions and UI elements which were used to display the data in this demo.

Learn more about HOOPS Communicator

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